- Windows 7 64bit
- Visual Studio 2010 Premium
- Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)
- ソース(プロジェクト一式)
- DirectSound:最新のDirectXで提供されておらず断念
- OpenAL:OSSのマルチプラットフォーム音声ライブラリ。Kinectの入力WAVEフォーマットがWAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLEであるが、これを入力にする方法がわからず断念
- XAudio2:今のDirectXではこれを使うらしい(XboxとWindowsとのクロスプラットフォーム)。Kinectのサンプルから出力したWAVEファイルを再生できたの採用
CWASAPICapture::DoCaptureThread のみの変更でいけました。とりあえず載せときます
DWORD CWASAPICapture::DoCaptureThread() { HANDLE mmcssHandle = NULL; IXAudio2* xaudio = 0; IXAudio2MasteringVoice* mastering_voice = 0; IXAudio2SourceVoice* source_voice = 0; try { bool stillPlaying = true; DWORD mmcssTaskIndex = 0; HRESULT hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf_s("Unable to initialize COM in render thread: %x\n", hr); return hr; } mmcssHandle = AvSetMmThreadCharacteristics(L"Audio", &mmcssTaskIndex); if (mmcssHandle == NULL) { printf_s("Unable to enable MMCSS on capture thread: %d\n", GetLastError()); } // // XAudioの初期化 // { UINT32 flags = 0; #ifdef _DEBUG flags |= XAUDIO2_DEBUG_ENGINE; #endif if( FAILED( hr = XAudio2Create( &xaudio, flags ) ) ) throw "XAudio2Create"; // Create a mastering voice if( FAILED( hr = xaudio->CreateMasteringVoice( &mastering_voice ) ) ) throw "CreateMasteringVoice"; // WAVファイルのWAVEFORMATEXを使ってSourceVoiceを作成 if( FAILED( xaudio->CreateSourceVoice( &source_voice, MixFormat() ) ) ) throw "CreateSourceVoice"; // 再生 source_voice->Start(); } while (stillPlaying) { HRESULT hr; // // In Timer Driven mode, we want to wait for half the desired latency in milliseconds. // // That way we'll wake up half way through the processing period to pull the // next set of samples from the engine. // DWORD waitResult = WaitForSingleObject(_ShutdownEvent, _EngineLatencyInMS / 2); switch (waitResult) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0: // _ShutdownEvent stillPlaying = false; // We're done, exit the loop. break; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: // Timeout // // We need to retrieve the next buffer of samples from the audio capturer. // BYTE *pData; UINT32 framesAvailable; DWORD flags; // // Find out how much capture data is available. We need to make sure we don't run over the length // of our capture buffer. We'll discard any samples that don't fit in the buffer. // hr = _CaptureClient->GetBuffer(&pData, &framesAvailable, &flags, NULL, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { UINT32 framesToCopy = min(framesAvailable, static_cast<UINT32>((_CaptureBufferSize - _CurrentCaptureIndex) / _FrameSize)); if (framesToCopy != 0) { // // The flags on capture tell us information about the data. // // We only really care about the silent flag since we want to put frames of silence into the buffer // when we receive silence. We rely on the fact that a logical bit 0 is silence for both float and int formats. // if (flags & AUDCLNT_BUFFERFLAGS_SILENT) { // // Fill 0s from the capture buffer to the output buffer. // ZeroMemory(&_CaptureBuffer[_CurrentCaptureIndex], framesToCopy*_FrameSize); } else { // // Copy data from the audio engine buffer to the output buffer. // CopyMemory(&_CaptureBuffer[_CurrentCaptureIndex], pData, framesToCopy*_FrameSize); // SourceVoiceにデータを送信 XAUDIO2_BUFFER buffer = { 0 }; buffer.AudioBytes = framesToCopy * _FrameSize; //バッファのバイト数 buffer.pAudioData = &pData[ 0 ]; //バッファの先頭アドレス source_voice->SubmitSourceBuffer( &buffer ); } // // Bump the capture buffer pointer. // _CurrentCaptureIndex += framesToCopy*_FrameSize; } hr = _CaptureClient->ReleaseBuffer(framesAvailable); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf_s("Unable to release capture buffer: %x!\n", hr); } } break; } } } catch( const char* e ) { std::cout << e << std::endl; } // Cleanup XAudio2 if( mastering_voice != 0 ) { // ここで落ちる //mastering_voice->DestroyVoice(); mastering_voice = 0; } if( xaudio != 0 ) { // ここでも落ちる //xaudio->Release(); xaudio = 0; } AvRevertMmThreadCharacteristics(mmcssHandle); CoUninitialize(); return 0; }